The Sun is Shining!

2014-04-13 12.05.48

Hi everyone! Hope all is well?

The sun is still shining, and we now have a nice long weekend, what more do we need?! 🙂

Ive been busy though, with ongoing projects, that im not sure i should share with you just yet, little more work to be done before the big reveals 🙂 But its all very exciting. Im working on another blanket at the moment. Although i said i wouldnt want to do another just yet, i just couldnt resist this one!

Been on some lovely walks around the village. I do love the countryside, especially when the sun is shining. The village where we live is beautiful. And now all the flowers are coming into bloom, its just so pretty! We also have two Dalmations which are around 10 months old now too. So they come out exploring with us. We have decided though, Dalmations will eat ANYTHING! Including Rape-Seed plants!

Heres some pictures from our outings this week… 🙂

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2014-04-13 12.07.12

2014-04-13 12.05.48

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2014-04-13 12.56.50 HDR

2014-04-13 12.10.25

2014-04-13 13.17.05

2014-04-13 13.27.21

Enjoy the weather while it lasts, and have a great bank holiday weekend! 🙂 xxx


Me and the Man Friend have just got back from a lovely mini trip on the lake. He likes to fish and i just love the simple things in life. No phones, no work, no hassle, just calmness. We made some food, packed the car up on friday, ready to leave Saturday morning. Yeah, it was a little drizzly, and a tad cold, but the lake was beautiful, with a forest right behind it. So I went off exploring 🙂 …..

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…..Ahhhhh…lovely. I swear i could have stayed there for days. So peaceful, pretty, relaxing and fresh. Just appreciating fresh air these days can be hard. Stuck in a stuffy office all week, not for me. This however, is where i wanna stay.
People work from home, maybe i could just work from lake?! Its a nice thought 🙂 x